©Will Rockel/Courtesy Hunter Braithwaite
“Gattaca” is made up of artists that newly minted collectors dream of. They are young, virtually unknown, and have bios that give their work considerable weight. The show is composed of four artists: Ethan Greenbaum, Hayal Pozanti, Will Rockel, and Cole Sayer. Two of the four, Greenbaum and Pozanti, received MFA degrees from Yale---that’s serious. And Rockel boasts recent participation in a group exhibition at the New Museum in New York City. Due to his current involvement with the Venice Biennale, any mention of the New Museum’s director, Massimiliano Gioni, makes fine art lovers everywhere weep and salivate, so Rockel gains street cred by mere association.
You would never know it by seeing one or two pieces extracted from their larger body of works, but if you do your homework you’ll quickly realize that each of these emerging artists are part of important conversations in the forward progression of art, as well as its relationship to theory, process, and materials. In elitist art world brouhaha that means: “We think your art is valuable.” Get the picture? Good.
And Cole Sayer probes the variable exchange of the insubstantial with that of physicality. He injects his work with strange, new, and unexpected materials in the same way that sports figures up the ante with steroids and public relations.
Gallerists and curators like Michael Jon Radziewicz and Hunter Braithwaite are essential for the continued artistic evolution of Miami and its leverage in the art world. These young guys, relatively new to the art scene, have focused their energy on up-and-coming artists from outside the city limits; dialing us in, both nationally and internationally, to academic circles, critics, and hot new artists and shows that mediate the dialogue of emerging trends in the arts, ones that collectively reflect zeitgeists and result in movements. Sound important? It is. This later translates into significant museum exhibitions and recognition on the secondary art market.
So what say ye? Bring it on Michael Jon.
This article was originally written for publication with The Miami New Times Blog, Cultist. This writing, as well as others by the author, can be accessed here: